About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Secuencia publishes original articles based on scientific research, which make a clear contribution to the debate and historic, cultural, social and political knowledge of Mexico and Latin America from the colonial period to the 21st century. The journal is intended as a reference for students and specialists in the various field of history, ethnohistory, sociology, political science, economics, geography, anthropology and applied social sciences. All articles are subjected to a double-blind review process to determine whether or not they will be accepted for publication. Secuencia does not charge a publication fee, nor does it pay for the arbitration process. It accepts articles in Spanish, English, Portuguese or French. Secuencia is a quarterly journal, appearing in January, May and September and edited by the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute. and published in both a printed (ISSN 0186-0348) and an Open Access electronic version (E-ISSN 2395-8464).

Peer Review Process

- The editorial team at Secuencia will acknowledge receipt of submissions within a fortnight of receiving them for preliminary review by the Editorial Committee.

- Once the committee has established that the article meets the journal's formal requirements, the article will be submitted to two external reviewers who will determine anonymously whether: A) The article may be published unchanged, B) the article may be published once minor corrections have been made, C) the article may be published after major changes have been made and D) the article has been rejected.

- If there is a difference of opinion, the text will be submitted to a third reviewer, whose decision will determine whether it is published or rejected.

- The final academic opinion on the article will be indisputable in all cases and will be conveyed to the author within six months of submission, though timing may vary.

- The review process will be determined by the number of articles on the waiting list. Authors will be informed of their progress of their article in the review and publication process.

- Each edition of the journal will include articles that have been pre-approved by at least two reviewers.

-Secuencia reserves the right to advance or delay the publication of articles that have been approved.

- The Editorial Committee may ask the author to make changes.

- If the result of the review process is favorable, the author will be asked to submit a version of the text reflecting changes suggested by the reviewers within thirty days of hearing from the editors.

- A document indicating which changes have been made to the text must be attached to the corrected article.

- Once the article has been accepted, the text may not be modified.

- The journal's editorial board reserves the right to copyedit and make the editorial changes considered necessary to improve the work.

- -Secuencia’s editors undertake a preliminary review of each article before submitting it for peer review to ensure that the text meets all the editorial criteria. During this phase the text will be processed b the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software to guarantee its authenticity.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate Open Access to its content and adheres to the principle of freely sharing research articles with the public to encourage a greater exchange of global knowledge.


Secuencia.Revista de historia y ciencias sociales

Code of ethics.

The editorial work of Secuencia.  Revista de Historia y ciencias sociales operates under the following general guidelines in order to implement good editorial practice and make decisions which do not affect intellectual development and scientific advances or the integrity of the authors, editors or the editorial team.   

The Code of Ethics of Secuencia Journal is based on the recommendations of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).


  • Authors’ responsibilities

-Authors will submit articles which are the result of research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge concerning History and Social Sciences.

- When an article is submitted, the author must attach a signed document, stating that the piece of work is unpublished and has not been simultaneously submitted to another journal.

-The author(s) are responsible for the authenticity of the data and sources used in their research.

-The author is obliged to respect the authorship of the information used and not commit an act of plagiarism.   

- Plagiarism is understood as:  the act and effect of plagiarizing; substantially copying other work and passing it off as one’s own.  


Characteristics of plagiarism: 

  1. It is an attempt to deceive a reader through adopting and presenting the work and words of another person as if they were one’s own.
  1. Academic plagiarism occurs when a writer repeatedly uses more than four words from a printed source without either using quotation marks or a detailed reference to the original source in a work which the author presents as his or her own research and study. 
  1. Continuous paraphrasing without serious interaction with the points of view of another person is also a form of plagiarism in academic work. [2]



-Authors must disclose all relationships or circumstances which might constitute a possible conflict of interest.

-Authors will give due credit to the institutions that have financed the research, and supplied the documentary archives, databases or any other necessary information in order for the research on which the article is based to be conducted .

-Authors are responsible for having the necessary permission for the edition, publication, public communication and dissemination of graphic and oral testimonials.

-It is the author’s responsibility to obtain the corresponding written authorization for all the material included in his or her article which is protected by Copyright Law. 

-Authors are under the obligation to withdraw their article in the event of the detection of plagiarism, duplicity or misrepresentation of personal information or of the contents of their article.  

-Authors may retract, invalidate or correct arguments which were misinterpreted during the peer revision judgment process.

-In order to expand the roster of reviewers, authors who submit an article to the journal will be considered for the peer review process.

- It is the author’s responsibility to make any corrections recommended in the peer evaluation process. 


  • Reviewers’ responsibilities

-The peer review process aims to validate the results of the research, as well as its originality, relevance and contribution to the advancement of historical and social science in an unbiased manner and without no vested interest.

-The review process is conducted by peers under the double blind method. 

-Participating in this process are two leading referees in their field, who decide in an anonymous and unbiased manner to either reject or accept an article for publication.  In the event of a discrepancy between the two results, the final decision will be made by a third referee, who will determine whether the text is to be published or rejected.

-The revision process is completely anonymous.  Reviewers do not have access to the personal details of the authors or any information related to their institutional backgrounds.

-In the event that the reviewer succeeds in identifying the author of the manuscript due to academic proximity, he or she must reject the editor’s invitation to review.


  • Editor's responsability

- In the Secuencia Journal, the editors act in a balanced, unbiased and fair manner when undertaking their tasks; authors are not discriminated against on the grounds of their gender, sexual orientation, religion, political convictions, or ethnic or geographic origin.

- The editor or director of the journal reserves the right to bring forward or postpone articles that have been accepted for publication.

- The editor or director of the journal may request that the author make changes. 

-The editor or director of the journal will remain impartial and removed from any kind of influence or profit of a professional, economic or personal nature which may or may not affect the acceptance or rejection of an article.

-The editor or director of the journal will make the appropriate corrections due to omissions or editing errors, including withdrawing the article(s) on the grounds of duplicity or plagiarism.

-The editor or director of the journal is responsible for guaranteeing and protecting reviewers’ anonymity.


  • Ethical issues involving publication.

- The Editorial Board will observe and guarantee compliance with the journal’s Code of Ethics.

-In its collaborators’ guide, the journal establishes the case(s) which will result in the immediate rejection of any type of collaboration.

-The journal opposes any commercial or business use which compromises both the intellectual quality and the quality of scientific research.

-The journal will at all times be prepared to publish any corrections, clarifications and retractions whenever necessary.

-The journal rejects plagiarism and will the take necessary measures in the event of detection.

-Under no circumstances will articles which contain plagiarized or auto plagiarized pages, phrases or paragraph be accepted. Texts which are identified as being plagiarized will be rejected immediately and the author, their affiliated institution and funding bodies will be notified.

-The Editorial Board will guarantee the correct use of the authors’ and reviewers’ academic transcripts and/or records.

-The Editorial Board does not have access to the authors’ personal details, or to information related to their institutional backgrounds.

-The information registered by authors and referees in Secuencia  Revista de historia y ciencias sociales will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. 

-Members of the Editorial Board collaborate in the review process to ensure that the authors have made the corrections indicated by the reviewers in their review of the article. 


  • Procedure dealing with breaches of the code of ethics

-In the event that an article is found to have been either partially or totally published in another journal or electronic platform (such as blogs, social networking sites, personal pages, etc.)it will be immediately rejected and the author will be informed.  

-The Secuencia editorial team uses software to detect plagiarism and self- plagiarism.

-In the event of the detection of either partial or total plagiarism of an article, the author will be informed of such a result and its automatically withdrawal.

-In the event that plagiarism is detected during the review process, reviewers will be notified that the article in question will not be published.  

- In the interests of privacy, Secuencia journal does not publish announcements or inform the institutions to which the authors are attached in the event of a case of plagiarism.


[1] Conceptos con base en: Wipo. Glossary of Terms of the Law of Copyright and Neighboring Rights / Ompi. Glossaire du droit d'auteur et des droits voisins / Ompi. Glosario de derechos de autor y derechos conexos. Published by The World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, 1980. Recuperado de: ftp://ftp.wipo.int/pub/library/ebooks/wipopublications/wipo_pub_816_efs-ocr-sp-image.pdf

[2] Concepts based on: Wipo. Glossary of Terms of the Law of Copyright and Neighboring Rights / Ompi. Glossaire du droit d'auteur et des droits voisins / Ompi. Glosario de derechos de autor y derechos conexos. Published by The World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva, 1980. Retrieved from: ftp://ftp.wipo.int/pub/library/ebooks/wipopublications/wipo_pub_816_efs-ocr-sp-image.pdf