The resignifications of Nunca Más. Re-interpreting political violence in Argentina
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political violence
Nunca Más

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This article analyzes the uses and resignifications of the Nunca Más report since the 1990s. This report, published in Argentina in 1984, was drawn up by the National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons (CONADEP), created in 1983 by President Raúl Alfonsín to investigate the disappearances caused by political repression. Since 1995, various actors in civil society and a new way of running the state led to various re-editions of this report which also introduced a series of changes into the interpretation of violent past postulated by the original text.  Given the canonical nature of Nunca Más in Argentina for narrating and interpreting these events, the analysis of these interventions will explain the changes and continuities that have taken place in the interpretation of this period that affected the entire country.
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