The Provision of the Puebla Cathedral Chapter, 1831-1835
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Cathedral Chapter
diocese of Puebla
Francisco Pablo Vázquez
First Federal Republic
chapter provision

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The article analyzes the renovation of the PueblaCathedral Chapter between 1831 and 1835. Itshows how in 1831, this organization proceeded, according to Bishop Francisco PabloVázquez, to nominate the 27 members of theChapter, which he completed in June of 1835.Although the liberal reform failed to recognizethis provision in 1833, the following year, thepromotions were ratified due to the consensusbetween local and national authorities on thesocial value of Catholicism. The elites favoredagreement over conflict. By doing so, they guaranteed the existence and permanence of a strongCathedral Chapter in independent Mexico, committed to the Republican nation project and freedom of the Church in relation to the state.Likewise, this chapter position fostered the use ofcanon law in the diocesan government.
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