Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
Author Guidelines
Guidelines for Authors
Secuencia is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, edited by the Dr. José María Luis Mora Research Institute. Original research-based works that make a significant contribution to Mexican and Latin American history and social studies will be considered for publication. The journal primarily focuses on historical issues; however, research from the fields of sociology, economics or other areas of social studies will not be ruled out.
When proposing an article, authors should include a signed document stating that the work in question is original and unpublished and has not been simultaneously submitted for possible publication to another journal.
1. Information that the Manuscripts Must Contain
- Title of the work, no longer than 12 words, clearly indicating the content. A subheading will be accepted only if it clarifies and/or expands the meaning of the title.
- An abstract that highlights contributions and relevant aspects of the work of not more than 150 words. The abstract should include principle results, methodology and conclusions. It should not contain tables, numbers, references or mathematical expressions.
- Five key words for bibliographic indexing purposes.
- An introductory cover sheet with general information about the author(s) including:
- Author(s) complete name
- Level of academic achievement.
- Institutional affiliations.
- Current research.
- Three most recent publications.
- Institutional mailing address.
- Telephone number.
- Email address.
2. General characteristics of the manuscript
- Articles and reviews must be Word or Word-compatible documents written in Spanish, double-spaced, using Times New Roman 12 point font (footnotes use 10 point font) without track changes.
- Articles should be no longer than 35 pages, including references, bibliography, tables, graphs and illustrations.
- Reviews should be critical contributions to a book and should be no longer than six pages.
- Reviews must include, on the top of the first page, a complete reference for the book to be critiqued and, at the bottom of the last page, the author’s name and institution.
- All tables, graphs and images must be handed in on a separate page indicating their source and placement in the text. They should be numbered according to their appearance in the next without using suffixes and should be titled Table 1, Table 2 or Graph 1, Graph 2 instead of Table 1, Table 1a, Table 1b. If their length so requires, they can continue on separate pages.
- Tables and graphs should be turned in as Excel documents; not as inserted images.
- Each table, graph, figure or diagram should be preceded by a title and carry a complete source citation at the end. Do not include abbreviations, and indicate units and include all notes and complete sources at the foot of the page.
- The entire article should be presented in its final, complete version. Changes will not be permitted once the evaluation and production process has been initiated.
- Work should be attached to an email and sent to, or handed in as a hard copy, including a CD clearly addressed to Secuencia, Madrid 82, col. Del Carmen Coyoacán, 04100 México, D. F.
3. requirements for handing in graphic material
A) Tables and graphs
- There is no problem if they have been produced (captured) in a Word document.
- If they have been inserted into a Word document, the author must include the original document in: Excel, Corel Draw or other formats.
- Do not use pie charts to depict various elements. Linear or bar graphs are preferred.
- It is important to remember that material will be printed in black; therefore information should not be differentiated by color.
B) Etchings and line drawings
- These must be saved with a 1,200 dpi resolution as lines or line art, in black and white.
C) Images
- There is no problem if they are handed in as original photographs or slides.
- If the original size of the image is less than 5 X 7 cm., it must be magnified to approximately 12 X 17 cm.
- If the original image is in color, it should be digitalized in high resolution (300 or 600 dpi) as saved as TIFF or EPS documents. Do not zip the image. Do not send JPEG images.
- If images are in black and white they should be digitalized using grey scale and saved as TIFF or EPS documents.
The above mentioned will allow for a faster editing process and, ultimately, higher quality printed work.
A list of each element handed in must be printed and attached.
All rights for reproducing graphic material included in the article, protected by Copyright Laws, must be handled by the author. If the corresponding authorization has not been granted, the work will not be accepted for publication.
4. Judging
- The article will undergo preliminary evaluation by the Secuencia Editorial Committee within a fortnight of its receipt.
- Once it has been determined that the article fulfills the journal's formal requirements, it will be sent to two external reviewer who will anonymously decide for it to be: a) Published as is, b) published after making minor adjustments, c) published after being thoroughly revised, or d) rejected.
- If there is a discrepancy between the two recommendations, the article will be submitted to a third reviewer whose decision with determine whether or not the article is published.
- The results of the academic review will be definitive in all cases and will be conveyed to the author in no more than six months, though response times may vary.
- The review process is determined by the number of articles on the waiting list. Authors will be notified regarding the advance of their work through the reviewing and editing processes.
- Each edition of the journal will include articles that have been previously approved by at least two reviewers.
- Secuencia reserves the right to advance print or postpone articles that have been accepted.
- The Editorial Committee can request that the author make changes.
- If the result of the review process is favorable, the author must turn in a corrected version of his or her text, adhering to recommendation made by the reviewers, within 30 days of receiving notice from the Editorial Committee.
- A document indicating the changes made must be attached to the corrected document.
- Once the text has been accepted it may not be modified.
- The journal’s editorial staff have the right to make editorial changes including copy editing and editorial changes when necessary for improving the article.
5. Copyrights
- Once the article has been approved for publication, the author(s) cede copyrights to Secuencia so that the article and materials can be publicly reproduced, published, edited, fixed, communicated and transmitted through any media and made available to the public through electronic, optical or other technological media with exclusively scientific, cultural, not-for-profit purposes.
- The author or authors should sign and submit the required format for ceding their copyrights.
- The Secuencia editorial team will send the author(s) said format for ceding copyrights, or it can be downloaded from our website at or sent as a PDF file to
- The author(s) maintain proprietary rights as established by law. In this way, our authors can use the material from their article in other works or books that they publish, the condition being that they cite Secuencia as the original source.
- It is the authors’ responsibility to obtain written permission for all copyrighted material included in their article.
- If for any reason the journal becomes aware that the article proposed for publication has been simultaneously submitted elsewhere, or has been previously published in its entirety, the article will automatically be removed from consideration.
6. Bibliography
- All citations must adhere to the American Psychological Association (APA) style.
- Author references are inserted into the text in parenthesis, indicating the author's last name, year and page number:
For example:
In this way, the public arena comprised the key stage for political power that wished to develop a critical and rational participation in the plural construction and qualitative elevation of political discourse (Habermas, 1994, p.94).
- If the author's name is mentioned to refer to his idea, only the year will be indicated within the parentheses:
For example:
In this way, Habermas (1994) indicates that the public arena comprised the key stage for political power.
- If the work cited has two authors, the citation will be made according to the above mentioned style, using both names.
- If the work has three, four or five authors, all names will be cited in the first reference to the work. Thereafter only the first author’s name will be cited followed by et. al. and the year of publication.
- Textual citation of four lines or less will be included in the text and enclosed in quotation marks. At the end of the quote the page number(s) on which the original text appears will be noted between parentheses:
For example:
Knight (1986) indicates that in Mexico City “the well-known issues of public hygiene during the era of Porfirio Díaz worsened” (p. 981).
- If the quote is longer than four lines it will be indented and single spaced to separate it from the general text. Quotation marks should not be used in this case, and at the end of the quote the page number(s) should be given in parentheses:
For example:
Knight (1986) indicates that in Mexico City:
The well-known issues of public hygiene during the reign of Porfirio worsened. The poorest families were obliged to rummage through piles of garbage in the San Antonio Abad plains to the Southeast of the city where they gathered discarded food and clothing for their personal use or to sell in the cities poverty-stricken markets (pp. 981-982).
- All notes and comments should be included in footnotes and should be written out single-spaced and numbered progressively using Arabic numerals. Because of their special nature they should be as brief as possible and follow the same criteria used for bibliographic citations.
- The list of bibliographic references for books and/or articles, includes only those cited in the text. They should be ordered alphabetically by last name and if an author has two or more publications from the same year cited, a letter can be added to each case (a, b, c,) so that there is no confusion. References will be recorded as shown in the following examples, taking into account these general instructions: Last names, first initial; year of publication (between parentheses); book or journal title (in italics); city and editorial house.
- The punctuation to be used is indicated in the following example.
For example:
Alcubierre, B. (2010). Ciudadanos del futuro. Una historia de las publicaciones para niños en el siglo XIX mexicano. México: Colmex/Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos.
Barsky, O. and Gelman J. (2001). Historia del agro argentino. Desde la conquista hasta fines del siglo XX. Buenos Aires: Grijalbo Mondadori.
- If there is no author for the work, the title of the work is listed first, followed by the date.
For example:
Los pinceles de la historia, de la patria criolla a la nación mexicana, 1750-1860 (2000). México: Museo Nacional de Arte/Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Book chapter
- When the citation is for a chapter from a book, the title is written in print and followed by the word In, the editor, coordinator, compiler or director’s name follows with inversion, preceded by the abbreviation Ed, Coord., Comp., or Dir. in parentheses.
For example:
Carrillo, A. M. (2005). Vigilancia y control del cuerpo de los niños. La inspección médica escolar (1896-1913). In L. Cházaro y R. Estrada (Eds.), En el umbral de los cuerpos. Estudios de Antropología e historia (pp. 171-207). México: El Colegio de Michoacán/Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades-Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
Ávila Espinosa, F. A. (1994). Los niños abandonados en la Casa de Expósitos de la ciudad de México: 1787-1821. In P. Gonzalbo y C. Rabell (Comps.), La familia en el mundo iberoamericano (pp. 265-310). México: Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales-UNAM.
Publications from periodicals
- For publications from periodicals, the title of the article is written in print followed by the title of the journal in italics, with capital and lower-case letters, followed by the volume number, the edition in parentheses and the page numbers.
For example:
Castillo, A. del (1998). Entre la criminalidad y el orden cívico: imágenes y representaciones de la niñez durante el porfiriato. Historia Mexicana, XLVIII (2), 277-320.
- If the reference is to a newspaper article, the order is as follows: Author’s surname, author’s initials, date of publication in parentheses, title of the article in print, name of the newspaper in italics and page number.
For example:
Arenas Guzman, D. (November 17th, 1949). El periodismo en la revolución de 1910. El Nacional, pp. 3 and 7.
- If the reference is from a thesis, the title is written in italics followed by, in parentheses, Undergraduate or Master’s thesis or Doctoral dissertation, unpublished, name of the institution and country.
For example:
Ciudad de México, fines del siglo XIX y principios del XX. (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). ENAH, México.
- If the reference is to a lecture, the title is typed in plain font, followed by Lecture delivered at…the name of the academic event, city and country.
For example:
Castro, J. E. (2005). Agua urbana y lucha social en América Latina. Lecture delivered at the XXV Congress of the Latin American Sociology Association, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- To cite a page from the internet in a text it is only necessary to indicate the author’s name and the year in parentheses. The URL or web address will be included in your bibliography.
For example:
In text: (Paz, 2012)
In the bibliography: Paz Trueba, Y. from (2012). Niños y niñas en el espacio urbano. La provincia de Buenos Aires entre finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX. Revista Nuevo Mundo. Mundos Nuevos. Recovered from
DOI Publications
For DOI (digital object identifier) publications, a unique number is assigned to scientific articles, electronic books or other documents published on the internet. This number should be used instead of a web address or URL.
For example:
Collantes Gutiérrez, F. (2005). Declive demográfico y cambio económico en las Áreas de montaña españolas, 1860–2000. Revista de Historia Económica / Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History (Second Series) 23 (3), 515-540. doi: 10.1017/S0212610900012143.
Citations for archival documents, photographs and interviews
- Within the text, a footnote will be included to refer to the location of the archival document, photograph or oral material according to the following general scheme:
Title of the material. [Description of the material]. Day, month, year. Name of the documentary source or complication. Classification number, box number or archive name etc. Name and location of repository
Example for archival documents:
Letter from the President of the Republic. March 6, 1827. Fondo Guerra y Marina. Box 75, f. 7. Archivo General de la Nación, México.
Ruling presented by the Sovereign Governing Body of the Mexican Empire by the Foreign Affairs Commission. S. F. Exp. C-3-3-3, f. 145. Archivo Histórico de la Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México, México.
Statistics on religious provenance. 1830. Justicia Eclesiástica. Vol. 98, f. 223. Archivo General de la Nación, México.
Letter to Daniel Webster de Hargous, P. A. May 11, 1852. Record of the Department of State, Record Group 59, Miscellaneous Letters of the Department of State, 1789-1906 (microfilm, M179, roll 131). The National Archives of Washington, Washington, D.C.
Examples for photographs:
[Photograph by Gonzalo C. Piñera]. (April 1905). Personajes (núm. 128). Fototeca del Archivo Histórico del Estado de Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, México.
[Photograph by C. B. Waite]. (ca 1908-1909). C. B. Waite, Aguascalientes (5). Instrucción Pública y Bellas Artes, Propiedad artística y literaria. Archivo General de la Nación, México.
Example for citing an interview:
Kaspé, V. (March 1st, 1995). Interview with architect Vladimir Kaspe/ interviewer: Graciela de Garay. Proyecto de Historia Oral de la Ciudad de México: Testimonios de sus Arquitectos (1940-1990) (PHO 11/16 (1), Instituto Mora, México.
Rodríguez S. (June 5, 2007). Interview with Susana Rodríguez/Interviewer: Andrea Torricella, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
Copyright Notice
- Aquellos autores/as que tengan publicaciones con esta revista, aceptan los términos siguientes:
- Los autores/as conservarán sus derechos de autor y garantizarán a la revista el derecho de primera publicación de su obra, el cuál estará simultáneamente sujeto a la Licencia de reconocimiento de Creative Commons que permite a terceros compartir la obra siempre que se indique su autor y su primera publicación esta revista.
- Los autores/as podrán adoptar otros acuerdos de licencia no exclusiva de distribución de la versión de la obra publicada (p. ej.: depositarla en un archivo telemático institucional o publicarla en un volumen monográfico) siempre que se indique la publicación inicial en esta revista.
- Se permite y recomienda a los autores/as difundir su obra a través de Internet (p. ej.: en archivos telemáticos institucionales o en su página web) antes y durante el proceso de envío, lo cual puede producir intercambios interesantes y aumentar las citas de la obra publicada. (Véase El efecto del acceso abierto).