No. 114 (2022): september-december


Transnational Dispersion of Vulnerability: Reexamining Migration in Peripheral Development
Edel J. Fresneda
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Teachers, Writing and the Intellectual Sphere: Maria Laura Schiavoni and Leticia Cossettini. Santa Fe (Argentina) during the First Half of the 20th Century
Micaela Pellegrini Malpiedi
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Heterotopias of Decency. Sex Hotels in Mexico City in the Mid-20th Century (1952-1966)
Sara Minerva Luna Elizarrarás
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Disputes over Water between the Pasteje Industrial Complex and Los Reyes Jocotitlan, State of Mexico (Mexico): Industrial and Water Spatialization on a Regional Scale
Antonio Rodríguez Sánchez
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The Confrontation Over the Abolition of the Cane Spirit Monopoly in Yucatán, 1781
Gabriela Sofía González Mireles
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The Army of the East and the Limits of Patriotism, 1861-1863
Héctor Strobel
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Crimes, Territories and Subjects in Colonial Veracruz. An Exploration from the Perspective of the Novohispanic Inquisition
Oscar Fernando López Meraz
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Faith in Reason: Theory and Commitment in António Sérgio and Celso Furtado
Laurindo Mekie Pereira
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Sustainable Development, Occupation, and Cities. The Case of Oaxaca, Mexico
Andrés Enrique Miguel Velasco, Luz Astrid Martínez Sánchez, Lizbeth Fabiola García Cruz, Ana Patricia Hernández López
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Rationality and Reasonableness in the Fight Against International Terrorism
Porfirio de Jesús Cardona Restrepo, Luis Guillermo Patiño Aristizábal, Juan Gabriel Toro Londoño
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University Paradiplomacy as an Aid to Municipal Paradiplomacy from a Governance Perspective
Daniel Añorve Añorve, Fernando Díaz Pérez, Emiliano Muñoz Ramírez
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El exilio en el contexto latinoamericano: problemas y perspectivas desde el discurso (siglos XIX-XXI). Introducción
Pedro Mármol Ávila, Francisco Miguel Martín Blázquez
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Childhood Memories of Visits during the Return from Exile
Fira Chmiel
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Can the Revolution Wait? The PRV in the Debates and Actions of Venezuelan Exiles (1927-1929)
Pedro David Correa Perez
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The Baltimore Exile, of Moreno, Agrelo and Pazos Silva in 1817: Political Networks, Discourses, and Personal Redefinitions
Ariel Alberto Eiris
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Vae Victis: The First Central American Exile in Mexico (1829-1840)
Francisco Rodolfo González Galeotti
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“From Factors of Social Dissolution to Elements of Order and Work”. The Exiles of the Mexican Revolution and the Cárdenas Amnesty, 1923-1937
Miguel Ángel Grijalva Dávila
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Guerrilla Warrior, Liberal, Insurgent, and Transterrado. Xavier Mina’s Figure Within the Historical-Literary Imaginaries of Spanish Exile in Mexico
Francisco Miguel Martín Blázquez
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A Colombian LGTBIQ+ Exile. An Approach Based on the Experience of Manuel Antonio Velandia an Exiled Homosexual Activist in Spain
Jeisson Oswaldo Martínez Leguízamo
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Unionism and Anti-Fascism in the Central American Democratic Union Political-Intellectual Project (1943-1946)
Ernesto Josué Mendoza Pérez
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Fear of the Alleged anti-Spanishness of Rebel Colonies: The Independence of the River Plate Region in the Novel Sofía and Enrique (1829), by Vicenta Maturana
Javier Muñoz de Morales Galiana
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The Revolutionaries: Francisco Julião and the Zapatistas in Mexico in the 1970s
Pablo F. de A. Porfirio
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War, Exile and Communism: Charles Phillips and the Mexican Slackers, 1917-1921
Arturo Zoffmann Rodríguez
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